On the 3rd of October the European Commission premises in Brussels hosted the Brokering and Pitching Event, one of the numerous initiatives of the European Commission towards stimulating the entrepreneurship community. The event gathered European projects’ representatives* with a common goal to learn and share the best pitching practices. Dr. Ricardo Jiménez-Peris, the CEO and Co-founder of LeanXcale, gave a start to the event by...
LeanBigData participated on the EUCNC 2016
NTUA organized a special session in the scope of EUCNC 2016 in Athens, where LeanBigData project was...
LeanBigData was at EDF 2016 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
LeanBigData had a booth at the European Data Forum (EDF) 2016 Exhibition at...
Third LeanBigData public workshop in VLDB2016
LeanBigData partners organize the BOSS’16 workshop (Big Data Open Source Systems) at VLDB 2016. The results of the project will be presented in the Polyglot Data Management Session.
Second LeanBigData public workshop RTPBD 2016
LeanBigData organized jointly with CoherentPaaS the second public workshop: RTPBD 2016 targeting the integration of Polyglot Persistence & blending the OLTP and OLAP worlds, respectively. The goal of the workshop was to present the projects main results. This event was collocated with DisCoTec conference.